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Whiplash, or “Whiplash Associated Disorders” or WAD, is the result of a sudden “crack the whip” of the head on the neck due to a slip and fall, sports injury, a violent act, or most commonly, a motor vehicle collision (MVC), particularly a rear-end collision. In describing “what can I expect” after a whiplash injury, [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the leading cause of numbness to the middle three fingers and thumb and affects millions of Americans each year. There are MANY potential causes of CTS, and these causes can be unclear or multi-factorial. We have discussed the importance of night splints and what chiropractic can do for CTS in [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the leading cause of numbness to the middle three fingers and thumb and affects millions of Americans each year. There are MANY potential causes of CTS, and these causes can be unclear or multi-factorial. We have discussed the importance of night splints and what chiropractic can do for CTS in [..]
With all the hype about cholesterol, where does the truth lie? On one
hand, some doctors recommend EVERYONE be placed on a statin
(cholesterol lowering medication) regardless if their cholesterol levels
are high or not. On the other hand, some experts report that statins
are unnecessary and cholesterol is both essential and good for us. [..]
Although both medication and chiropractic are utilized by neck pain
sufferers, not everyone wants to or can take certain medications due to
unwanted side effects. For those who aren’t sure what to do, wouldn’t it
be nice if research was available that could answer the question posted
above? Let’s take a look!When people have neck [..]
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common cause for chronic pain (pain that lasts three or more months) and afflicts 4% of the general population in the United States! FM commonly affects the muscles and soft tissues – not the joints (like arthritis); however, many FM sufferers are mistakenly diagnosed with arthritis, so it may take years [..]
Non-surgical treatment approaches for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) aim to remove pressure on the median nerve where it’s pinched. In a recent review of the literature published on “passive modalities” (non-surgical treatment approaches) for CTS, researchers reviewed studies published between 1990 and 2015 for information on which non-surgical treatment approaches work best. Topping the list [..]
Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) is the appropriate terminology to use when addressing the myriad of symptoms that can occur as a result of a motor vehicle collision (MVC). In a recent publication in The Physician and Sportsmedicine (Volume 43, Issue 3, 2015; 7/3/15 online:1-11), the article “The role of the cervical spine in post-concussive syndrome” [..]
Last month, we discussed common causes of back pain including mattresses, shoes, diet, exercise, and posture. Here are some additional considerations…
6. OFFICE CHAIR: Because of vast differences between people’s height, weight, body type, and preference, it’s difficult -- if not impossible -- to find a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to office chairs! In [..]
Obesity is one of the leading health-related problems facing the
developed world. In fact, more than 1/3 (34.9% or 78.6 million) of
adults in the United States (US) are obese. Obesity is linked to heart
disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and many
preventable conditions that can lead to a premature death. [..]
It’s been said that if you haven’t had back pain, just wait, because (statistically) some day you will! The following list is a list of "causes" that can be easily "fixed" to reduce your risk for a back pain episode.
1. MATTRESS: Which type of mattress is best? The “short answer”: there is no single [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) affects 3% of the adults in the United States and is the most common of the “entrapment neuropathies” (pinched nerves in the arms or legs). Treatment for CTS is frequently delayed because the symptoms are usually mild at first and progress gradually. Because CTS symptoms may be more advanced by the [..]